
A collection of audiobooks available on Formed.

  • God: What Every Catholic Should Know by Elizabeth Klein

    Who is God? If we want to love God and make him the center of our lives, we would do well to settle this question at least in some small way. This book serves as a starting point for understanding what Christians mean when they say "God," and to whom they are referring when they use this name. Pa...

  • Salvation: What Every Catholic Should Know by Michael Barber

    At every Sunday Mass, Catholics confess that Jesus came down from heaven “for us men and for our salvation.” But what does “salvation” mean? In this robust and accessible book, Scripture scholar and theologian Michael Patrick Barber provides a thorough, deeply Catholic, and deeply biblical, answe...

  • Chance or Purpose? by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn


    Cardinal Christoph Schönborn's article on evolution and creation in The New York Times launched an international controversy. Critics charged him with biblical literalism and "creationism".

    In this book, Cardinal Schönborn responds to his critics by tackling the hard questions with a carefully r...

  • Salvation Is from the Jews by Roy Schoeman


    This book traces the role of Judaism and the Jewish people in God's plan for the salvation of mankind, from Abraham through the Second Coming, as revealed by the Catholic faith and by a thoughtful examination of history. It will give Christians a deeper understanding of Judaism, both as a religio...

  • Chosen ed. by Donna Steichen


    Chosen: How Christ Sent Twenty-Three Surprised Converts to Replant His Vineyard edited by Donna Steichen

    The twenty-three men and women who tell their conversion stories in these pages were not drawn to the Church by sound evangelization programs, beautiful buildings and liturgies, or saintly wi...

  • The World's First Love: Mary, Mother of God Audio Book by Fulton Sheen


    With eloquence and brilliance, Fulton J. Sheen presents a moving portrayal of the Blessed Virgin Mary, combining deep spirituality, history, philosophy, and theology. All the major aspects and events of Mary's life are lovingly depicted in this never-failing source of information, consolation, an...

  • Be a Man! Audio Book by Fr. Larry Richards


    Men are rediscovering the importance of the spiritual life. And Father Larry Richards is helping them do it. While some writers apply a one-size-fits-all approach to the Christian life, Father Richards draws on his many years of ministry and his own experience as a man to inspire other men as men...

  • A Song for Nagasaki: The Story of Takashi Nagai-Scientist, Convert, & Survivor of the Atomic Bomb by Paul Glynn


    On August 9, 1945, an American B-29 dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, killing tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye, while fatally injuring and poisoning thousands more. Among the survivors was Takashi Nagai, a pioneer in radiology research and a convert to the Catholic Fait...

  • The Innocence of Father Brown Audio Book by G.K. Chesterton


    One of the most memorable sleuths in the canon of detective fiction has to be Father Brown, the small priest with "a face as round and dull as a Norfolk dumpling", but who nevertheless outwits the greatest criminal minds with his wisdom regarding human nature. Brought to life here by actor Kevin ...

  • The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God Audio Book


    The Appalling Strangeness of the Mercy of God: The Story of Ruth Pakaluk, Convert, Mother & Pro-Life Activist

    This audio book is the powerful story of an amazing woman, Ruth Pakaluk, who converted to Catholicism at Harvard, married her college sweetheart, and joyfully welcomed seven children. Sh...

  • Something Other Than God by Jennifer Fulwiler


    Jennifer Fulwiler told herself she was happy. Why wouldn't she be? She made good money as a programmer at a hot tech start-up, had just married a guy with a stack of Ivy League degrees, and lived in a twenty-first-floor condo where she could sip sauvignon blanc while watching the sun set behind t...

  • Born Fundamentalist, Born Again Catholic by David Currie


    David Currie was raised in a devout Christian family. His father was a fundamentalist preacher and both parents taught at Moody Bible Institute. Currie's whole upbringing was immersed in the life of fundamentalist Protestantism—theology professors, seminary presidents, and founders of evangelical...

  • Sophia House: A Novel by Michael O'Brien



    Sophia House is set in Warsaw during the Nazi occupation. Pawel Tarnowski, a booksell...

  • Strangers and Sojourners: A Novel by Michael D. O'Brien


    An epic novel set in the rugged interior of British Columbia, the first volume of a trilogy which traces the lives of four generations of a family of exiles. Beginning in 1900, and concluding with the climactic events leading up to the Millennium, the series follows Anne and Stephen Delaney and t...

  • Plague Journal: A Novel by Michael D. O'Brien


    Plague Journal is Michael O'Brien's second novel in the Children of the Last Days series. The central character is Nathaniel Delaney, the editor of a small-town newspaper, who is about to face the greatest crisis of his life. As the novel begins, ominous events are taking place throughout North A...

  • Catholicism & Fundamentalism: The Attack on Romanism by Bible Christians by Karl Keating


    Karl Keating defends Catholicism from fundamentalist attacks and explains why fundamentalism has been so successful in converting "Romanists." After showing the origins of fundamentalism, he examines representative anti-Catholic groups and presents their arguments in their own words. His rebuttal...

  • Manalive by G.K. Chesterton


    This classic novel by Chesterton tells the rollicking tale of Innocent Smith, a man who may be crazy—or he may be the most sane man of all. Arriving at a London boarding house accompanied by a windstorm, Innocent is soon accused of attempted murder, burglary, polygamy, and deserting his wife. As ...

  • Fatima for Today: The Urgent Marian Message of Hope by Fr. Andrew Apostoli


    Though the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima took place a hundred years ago, Our Lady's call to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls and peace in the world is as relevant now as when first delivered to three Portuguese peasant children in 1917.
    Because of the prophetic nature of her mes...

  • If Your Mind Wanders at Mass by Thomas Howard


    Distractions, fatigue, boredom at Sunday worship—maybe we experience these because we don't fully appreciate what's going on at Mass. Howard's profound and practical look at the liturgy focuses our wandering minds. It reminds us that at Mass the veil separating earth and heaven lifts, so that we ...

  • Looking for the King: An Inklings Novel by David Downing


    It is 1940, and American Tom McCord, a 23-year-old aspiring doctoral candidate, is in England researching the historical evidence for the legendary King Arthur. There he meets perky and intuitive Laura Hartman, a fellow American staying with her aunt in Oxford, and the two of them team up for an ...

  • Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy of the Life Issues by Fr. Robert Spitzer


    How do we make sense of life? How should we treat others? How should we reasonably be expected to be treated by others? When human life is at stake, are there reasonable principles we can rely on to guide our actions? How should our laws be framed to protect human life? What kind of society shoul...

  • The Templars by Regine Pernoud


    For centuries, historians and novelists have portrayed the Knights Templar as avaricious and power-hungry villains. Who were these medieval monastic knights, whose exploits were the stuff of legend even in their own day? Were these elite crusaders corrupted by their conquests, which amassed them ...

  • The World of St. Paul by Joseph M. Callewaert


    Joseph Callewaert's engaging work on St. Paul reads like a novel. With inviting, even dramatic, prose, it recounts the story of the great Apostle to the Nations. This is no dry tome or ponderous biography. Nor is its subject a "safe" historical figure, irrelevant to the issues of today: St. Paul ...

  • Poor Banished Children by Forella de Maria


    An explosion is heard off the coast of seventeenth-century England, and a woman washes up on the shore. She is barely alive and does not speak English, but she asks for a priest . . . in Latin.

    She has a confession to make and a story to tell, but who is she and from where has she come?
