
  • The Value of Life


    In this video, Dr. Tom shows us how God took time to make each one of us and how he has a big plan for each of us. After watching Dr. Tom, you will be a lover of LIFE.

  • The Way of Saint James


    Over the lovely "Camino de Santiago," the Way of St. James, which is the ancient route leading from the Pyrenees to the famous and ancient shrine of Santiago de Compostela, this documentary follows the journey of several pilgrims who differ in culture and religious faith, united only by a mysteri...

  • Why God Still Matters by Karlo Broussard


    Have you noticed how some of the New Atheists don't even bother trying to disprove God's existence? Your arguments in favor of God don't even deserve a reply, they say, because not only does God not exist—he doesn't even matter.

    We don't need God to explain the universe, they say. We don't need ...

  • World Youth Day Krakow: A Pilgrimage of Mercy


    In July of 2016, Catholic Youth from around the world descended on Krakow, Poland for World Youth Day with Pope Francis. These pilgrims travelled in the footsteps of St. John Paul II and other great Saints of Krakow, discovering the rich heritage of their Catholic faith, and being inspired by Pop...

  • Lead Kindly Light: The Life and Message of Saint John Henry Newman


    An influential teacher, a distinguished theologian, a man who endured many trials, a father of souls—Blessed John Henry Newman (1801 - 1890) remains as fresh and relevant today as he was during his lifetime. In this engaging film, Fr. Nicholas Schofield and Fr. Marcus Holden, hosts of several oth...

  • Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?


    "If Christ has not been raised, said the Apostle Paul, then Christian Faith is in vain. The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth is not an incidental or minor aspect of Christianity. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, Christianity is certainly false.

    Skeptics have long tried to show that there ...

  • Jesus and His Church with Cardinal Dolan


    In this presentation from the Napa Institute, Timothy Cardinal Dolan speaks with great clarity and pastoral care about one of the greatest challenges facing the Church today: protecting the spousal oneness of Jesus Christ and his Church. He describes our current times as a post-ecclesial world, i...

  • Edith Stein: La séptima morada


    Disfrute de esta profundamente artística representación de la vida de la filósofa judía, convertida al catolicismo y mártir Carmelita, Edith Stein. En ella, verá representados sus retos internos y las dificultades que fueron resultado de su conversión al catolicismo. Profundamente influida por lo...

  • Historias de Jesús

    1 season

    La serie Las Historias de Jesús fue creada para ayudar a los niños a poner en práctica las lecciones de vida que escuchamos en las parábolas de Jesús. Cada episodio de 10 minutos incluye una situación de vida con la cual los niños pueden fácilmente identificarse, una parábola, y una enseñanza par...

  • La colección: Santos y Héroes

    1 season

    Serie animada de videos que presenta la historia de santos y héroes cristianos, de una manera entretenida. Ofreciendo a los niños una fácil comprensión y un modelo a seguir.

    Producida por la galardonada firma CCC de América.

  • La Trilogia Testimonial

    1 season

    Descubramos juntos el poder y el amor de Cristo y aprendamos porqué sus seguidores lo arriesgaron todo por difundir su mensaje. Adultos y niños por igual quedarán fascinados con estos relatos de la vida de Jesús y sus seguidores. Recomendada para edades de 8 años en adelante.

  • Héroes Católicos

    1 season

    Esta serie animada narra los relatos verídicos de personas que a través de su ejemplo de consagración a Cristo y la Iglesia impactaron la vida de muchos. Conoce la vida admirable de estos héroes, que estuvieron marcadas por una gran moral, fuerza de voluntad, valor y sobre todo, un inquebrantable...