Window to the Womb | Live Action
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3m 13s
From a single-celled human to a baby with a beating heart, brainwaves, fingers, and toes, Olivia shows the remarkable beauty of a unique life within the womb.
Baby Olivia was created by Live Action and reviewed by accredited medical professionals to show audiences the spectacular life of a baby growing within the womb.
With scientific accuracy, this video depicts the moment human life begins and beyond to show the humanity of preborn children throughout each stage of human development.
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Video reviewed and accredited by: Dr David Bolender, PhD, Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, Medical College of Wisconsin | Dr Donna Harrison (AAPLOG) | Dr Tara Sander Lee (Charlotte Lozier) | Dr Katrina Furth (Charlotte Lozier) | Michelle Cretella, MD, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians | Jeffrey Barrows, DO, MA, (Ethics) Senior VP Bioethics and Public Policy | Fetal development data:
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