Kapaun's Men

Kapaun's Men

4 Seasons

The formation series offered by Kapaun's Men are designed to help spur discussion among men about practical and pertinent spiritual matters. Based on Father Kapaun's life and spirituality, the videos are open to men of all levels. With great topics for discussion and weekly challenges, they are sure to make a lasting impression.

All four series can be accessed in the drop-down menu below or you can view all four series here:

Virtue Series
Stewardship Series
Beatitude Series
Pilgrimage Series

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Kapaun's Men
  • The Story of Father Kapaun - Virtue Series

    Episode 1

    Can one man make a difference in the world? Join Catholic speaker Joe Farris as we learn about the life of Servant of God Emil Kapaun and the virtues that made a difference to the men he served. Father Kapaun was a Catholic priest and Army Chaplain who served in the farming communities of Kansas,...

  • Mercy

    Episode 2

    Learning to give mercy can be difficult for us as men, but it's one of the first steps in truly coming to know the love of God. Just before his death Father Kapaun made the decision to forgive his captors who allowed so many men to die and to ask for their forgiveness. This session will help us t...

  • Faith

    Episode 3

    Faith is the beginning of our life with God, and it leads to true freedom. Despite their imprisonment in the POW camp, Father Kapaun encouraged his men to find the freedom and strength that faith offers us. (15 minutes)

  • Hope
    Episode 4


    Episode 4

    One of the greatest things that Father Kapaun did was to inspire the virtue of hope in his men, a virtue that helped many of them survive the terrible conditions of the prison camp and set their sights on something higher than this world. Are you a man of hope? Do you bring hope to those around y...

  • Love
    Episode 5


    Episode 5

    When we realize that love is willing the good of the other and sacrificing for them, we come to realize that love is the manliest of virtues. This video explores the many ways Father Kapaun sacrificed for his boys and showed them the love of Christ, encouraging us to do the same. (14 minutes)

  • Courage

    Episode 6

    Do you let fear dictate your life, or do you trust in God? The virtue of courage helps us face difficult circumstances and remain strong in pursuing what is good. (14 minutes)

  • Mission

    Episode 7

    The mission God gave to Father Kapaun was sharing His love and hope to men in the Army. Each of us is called to be a missionary in our home, at work and in our community by the way we live our lives and the hope we exhibit. How is God calling you to serve? (14 minutes)

  • Kapauns Men Virtue Series Operations Manual

    2.05 MB

  • Kapauns Men Virtue Series Study Guide

    9.43 MB