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Called Session 1: What Is a Vocation? with Fr. Scott Traynor

Called: Discover Your Vocation by YDisciple • 18m

Up Next in Called: Discover Your Vocation by YDisciple

  • Called Session 2: What Is Discernment...

    God has called each of us to specific missions, based on who we are and the gifts he has given us. But how do we discern that calling? We can start with the "classroom of silence"—an exterior and interior place where we can discover the depths of prayer and learn to hear God's voice.

  • Called Session 3: Called to Holy Orde...

    Every baptized Christian is supposed to make the priesthood of Jesus real in this world. However, God calls some men to serve the Church within Holy Orders, acting in the person of Jesus to give the grace of the Sacraments to all. How can young men know if they're called to this special role?

  • Called Session 4: Called to Consecrat...

    The consecrated life is God's remarkable gift to the Church. To be called to the "perfection of charity" means a life of obedience, celibacy, and poverty in his service. What steps can we take to discern if we are summoned to that vocation?