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More Science

The three chapters in this episode will dig a little deeper into the importance of the BVG Theorem (Ch 1), show proof of a beginning from entropy (Ch 2), and examine the odds of our universal constants being exactly what they are (Ch 3). In the end, we see that the odds of us existing by accident...

Responses & the Soul

After looking at multiverses as a possible way to avoid the need for a beginning (which indicates a Creator) (Ch 1), we respond to two atheist objections to supernatural design (Ch 2). We follow that with a metaphysical explanation for a Creator and respond to a Richard Dawkins's assertion (Ch 3)...

Transcendence, Atheism, the Bible, & ...

The final five chapters begin with a continuation of the examination of near death experiences (NDEs) (Ch 1), and then we delve into the evidence of a soul from the five transcendental desires (Ch 2). Chapter 3 summarizes the evidence of a Creator and soul and responds to the question of why athe...