Today, the majority of Catholics do not, or cannot attend Sunday Mass. What are they missing? In the Gospel, Christ prepares His followers to receive His Body in the Eucharist. He gave the Church His real presence because it is in Christ that we find our true happiness. As Saint Augustine said, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in You.” Ponder the real presence of Christ this week, whether at home or in person if you are able.
Up Next in Year A
The Transfiguration of the Lord—Augus...
Together all of these Scripture passages point toward the divinity of Jesus Christ, one of the most important points of our faith as Christians. This key doctrine is also a great mystery: How can Jesus be fully man? What does that mean? How well do we understand this claim? Can we explain it and ...
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 1...
Have you ever been in a storm at sea? If you have, you know how terrifying it can be. Now imagine being in a storm in a small wooden boat ... and not knowing how to swim! This is the scene we have in today's Gospel.
20th Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 2...
Since many of us have had the experience of praying when it seems as if our prayers are battering against a brick wall, this Gospel story of the persistent woman serves to increase our faith in the love and mercy of the Lord for each one of us.