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Opening the Word

The Transfiguration of the Lord—August 6, 2017

Episode 43 • 4m 28s

Up Next in Year A

  • 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 1...

    Have you ever been in a storm at sea? If you have, you know how terrifying it can be. Now imagine being in a storm in a small wooden boat ... and not knowing how to swim! This is the scene we have in today's Gospel.

  • 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 2...

    Since many of us have had the experience of praying when it seems as if our prayers are battering against a brick wall, this Gospel story of the persistent woman serves to increase our faith in the love and mercy of the Lord for each one of us.

  • 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time—August 2...

    "Who do you say that I am?" That question, asked by Jesus to Simon Peter in today's Gospel, sets the stage for a key foundation of the Catholic Church. Once Simon states that Jesus is the Messiah, then Jesus blesses him, changes his name to Peter (which means rock), and says that he will build hi...

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