The Word Conference

The Word Conference

6 Seasons

Join more than 70 of the most impactful and gifted presenters of Scripture who will show how to confidently and quickly approach the Bible for answers, hope, and peace in our day-to-day challenges and struggles as Catholics.

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The Word Conference
  • Letting Go Of Anger: Offering Mercy

    Episode 1

    Justin Fatica, founder of Hard as Nails Ministry, reminds us that because God is merciful to us, we are also called to show mercy to our neighbor despite our anger.

  • Praying (And Living) the Scripture With My Spouse

    Episode 2

    Marriage has many difficult moments, but the Lord has given us Scripture to give us hope and strength during these trials. In this talk, Ennie Hickman gives practical insight into bringing Scripture into your marriage.

  • Finding the Sacraments in Scripture: The Gospel of John

    Episode 3

    Have you ever wondered where we find the Sacraments in Scripture? Dr. John Bergsma, Professor of Theology at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, uses Jesus' miracles in the Gospel of John to walk through biblical roots of the Seven Sacraments.

  • The One Thing Necessary: Transforming Your Interior Life

    Episode 4

    In the story of Mary and Martha, Jesus tells us that the most essential thing in our faith is to spend time with him. In this talk, Matthew Leonard dives into meditative and contemplative prayer as a crucial part of the Christian life.

  • Making Time For Daily Prayer

    Episode 5

    Faith without prayer is just a hobby. In this talk, Jon Leonetti gives helpful tips on making time for prayer that is fruitful.

  • Five Practical Steps to Staying Focused and Hearing God's Voice in Scripture

    Episode 6

    Do you desire a more intimate relationship with God? Content director of Saint Paul Outreach, Ryan O'Hara, shares a prayer method that allows you to apply the Scriptures to your life. Listen to Ryan and find a prayer method that enables God's Word to come alive in you.

  • Walking with Jesus on the Road to Emmaus - A Practice of Biblical Meditation

    Episode 7

    Steve Ray teaches us the significance of Catholic Meditation by walking us through Luke 24, or the story of Jesus Walking with Two Men Through Emmaus. By using Lectio Divina, we can fill our minds with the Word of God. Learn from Steve to better understand the Bible and hear his voice through Scr...

  • In His Image: Knowing Who You Are Changes the Game

    Episode 8

    There's an intrinsic tie to identity and mission; We can never get our mission right if we don’t understand who we are at our core. We try to convince ourselves that worldly ambitions will bring us happiness. Yet, it is the pursuit of God that awakens us to the fullness of life. Join John in lear...

  • Gethsemane and Your Destiny

    Episode 9

    How do you sacrifice yourself to Jesus Christ? Robert Feduccia parallels the Eucharistic preparation of the gifts to the agony in the garden. Join Robert and explore the symbols of the Eucharist to better understand your destiny.

  • Praying the Psalms: Inspired Words For Divine Conversation!

    Episode 10

    The Psalms are a mirror of God's marvelous deeds for his people, his love letters to us. Sr. Joseph Andrew Bogdanowicz, OP shares how to pray the Psalms, including an introduction to the Liturgy of the Hours.

  • Come Away And Rest: Self Care In Anxious Times

    Episode 11

    Dr. Kristen Witte helps us understand self-care from a Christian perspective. As the modern act of self-care is self-focused, Dr. Witte reminds us that every part of us is made to serve and honor Jesus Christ.

  • How To Share the Gospel With Someone Who "Doesn't Need It"

    Episode 12

    Marcel LeJeune, the founder of the apostolate, Catholic Missionary Disciples, shares that our call as Catholics is to share the faith with others. LeJuene equips us with the tools to share our faith with passion. Learn from Marcel and evangelize those around you!

  • Reading the First Eleven Chapters of Genesis With the Right Glasses

    Episode 13

    Modern-day culture has a lot to learn from the Genesis Story. Dr. Bob Rice leads us through the poetic and figurative language of Genesis to convey the message of God. Dr. Bob Rice reflects on our duties as daughters and sons of Christ so that we can respond to his every call.

  • How to Set and Maintain Proper Priorities

    Episode 14

    Do you correctly order your priorities of God, family, work, and rest? Explore the idea of "worship rest" with Sonja Corbitt and come to a deeper understanding of the Sabbath and how it can be implemented in your life in this talk.

  • The Genesis Revelation

    Episode 15

    Damen Owens goes in-depth about the truth that is revealed in Genesis. Touching on The Theology of the Body, Damen unpacks our identity as daughters and sons, made in the image and likeness of God. Genesis is a foundational source of helping us discover who we are.

  • Your Body is Talking... Are You Listening?

    Episode 16

    When God presents himself to us through Scripture or everyday occurrences, we have the choice to respond. Host of the radio podcast show "The Catholic Guys," Lino Rulli, challenges us to notice the proof of God in our lives. Join Lino as he shares how to relate to the Bible and answer the same qu...

  • The Holy Spirit and the Word of God

    Episode 17

    How does the Holy Spirit help us live out the Word of God? Bill Marcotte teaches us how to understand our own lives by reading the Word of God. He offers practical tips to approach the Bible and become an obedient disciple of Jesus.

  • The Keys To The Missionary Transformation Of Your Parish

    Episode 18

    Do you desire to be a part of a community of missionary followers of Christ? Fr. James Mallon gives solutions to mending parishes and fostering fruit-bearing parishes. Learn from Fr. Mallon and transform your parish community for the better!

  • Living Your Life with Courageous Faith and Contagious Joy

    Episode 19

    Do you desire to live a moral life with contagious joy? Join Kelly Wahlquist from Women in the New Evangelization in learning how to have confidence in the lives God created for us. Learn how the people of Sacred Scripture can inspire us to have courage in our faith.

  • Fighting Temptation

    Episode 20

    In times of confusion or suffering, we might feel like God is testing us. Chris Wesley assures us that God never tests us; instead, it is our selfish desires that lead us to sin. Learn from Chris how to fight temptation and reach the root of our worldly desires.

  • Understanding Hebrews/Old Testament connections to NT

    Episode 21

    We've all heard someone say, "I'm spiritual but not religious." Dr. Andrew Swafford helps us understand the grandeur of what Jesus offers us as his children. Drawing from Isaiah and Exodus, Swafford makes strong claims to heighten our sense of his healing grace.

  • What It Means to Be Made "In the Image and Likeness of God"

    Episode 22

    What does it mean to be made in the image of God? To answer this question, Curtis Mitch refers to creation, the fall, and redemption. Mitch shares how to imitate God's undiscriminating love in our everyday life so that we can be the men and women that God has chosen us to be

  • Game Time: Preparing for Sunday Mass

    Episode 23

    What can you contribute to the Mass? How can you get the most out of it? In this talk, Clay Imoo invites us to prepare for Mass by using Lectio Divina with the readings before attending Sunday Mass.

  • The Beatitudes: Jesus the Preacher

    Episode 24

    How can the Beatitudes help us place our strength In God? Kevin Saunders shares thoughtful insights on the beatitudes to let them speak to our hearts, teaching us how to let God lead the way.