The Wild Goose with Fr. Dave Pivonka

The Wild Goose with Fr. Dave Pivonka

15 Episodes

The Wild Goose series is truly a work of the Holy Spirit from 4PM Media and The Ministry of The Wild Goose. “Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit. It is a 14 part series featuring Fr. Dave Pivonka and various interviews. Shot in various locations from Niagara Falls to the California desert, The Wild Goose invites viewers to an encounter, or a renewed encounter, with the Holy Spirit. Find out more at and

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The Wild Goose with Fr. Dave Pivonka
  • God's Love Poured Out | Wild Goose | Episode 1

    Episode 1

    "God is Love" - 1 John 4:8
    This simple statement is the beginning and the ending of our pilgrimage of Faith. God is Love and the Lord's Love is perfect, passionate, and unconditional. There is nothing that we can do that would cause God to love us more and nothing we can do that would cause him ...

  • Breath of God | Wild Goose | Episode 2

    Episode 2

    "The breath of the Almighty gives me life." - Job 33:4
    The only way we are able to live a life of faith, a life full of love, peace, joy, and power is by the Holy Spirit. We see this most clearly in the lives of the Apostles. They had every advantage in being with Jesus and hearing him preach an...

  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit & Fire | Wild Goose | Episode 3

    Episode 3

    "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." - Matthew 3:11
    Jesus came to baptize us in the Holy Spirit, and the power and grace that comes from baptism in the Holy Spirit changes lives. For the millions of Catholics worldwide who have had this experience it is a transforming grace that ...

  • The Spirit and Our Lady | Wild Goose | Episode 4

    Episode 4

    "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you." - Luke 1:35
    Our Lady, from the moment of her conception, was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit. As the Spouse of the Holy Spirit she models for us what our lives can look like when we say "yes" to God's will ...

  • Gifts of the Holy Spirit | Wild Goose | Episode 5

    Episode 5

    "The Spirit himself is 'God's gift' par excellence (cf. John 4:10), a gift from God, and in turn communicates different spiritual gifts to those who welcome him." - Pope Francis
    The greatest gift of the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit. The living God gives the gift of himself to those who are bap...

  • The Spirit and the Eucharist | Wild Goose | Episode 6

    Episode 6

    "At the center of the Church is the Eucharist, where Christ is present and active in humanity and in the whole world by means of the Holy Spirit." - Pope St. John Paul II
    The Eucharistic liturgy is saturated with the presence of the Holy Spirit. From the moment you decide to go to Mass the Holy ...

  • The Spirit of Adoption | Wild Goose | Episode 7

    Episode 7

    "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, through which we cry, 'Abba, Father!'" - Romans 8:14-16
    The Holy Spirit reveals many things to us. One of the most beautiful...

  • The Spirit and the Sacraments | Wild Goose | Episode 8

    Episode 8

    "Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments." - CCC 1213
    The Sacraments are always an encounter with the Holy Spirit and each and every time we come to the Sacraments the Holy Spirit is present....

  • The Fruits of the Holy Spirit | Wild Goose | Episode 9

    Episode 9

    "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control... If we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit." - Galatians 5: 22-25
    By the way we live and how we treat people, our lives produce some type of fruit. The sort of fru...

  • The Spirit and the Desert | Wild Goose | Episode 10

    Episode 10

    "[Jesus] was led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days, to be tempted by the devil." - Luke 4:1
    On the day Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit anointed him. Immediately after this event the Holy Spirit led Jesus to the desert. The desert was a place of isolation, death, and defeat, but Je...

  • The Spirit Convicts | Wild Goose | Episode 11

    Episode 11

    "And when he comes he will convict the world in regard to sin and righteousness and condemnation: sin, because they do not believe in me." - John 16:8
    Pope Francis has stated that we must stop "masquerading before God" in relation to our sin. We must take seriously the reality and nature of sin ...

  • The Spirit's Freedom | Wild Goose | Episode 12

    Episode 12

    "When the Son sets you free you are free indeed." - John 8:36
    The Holy Spirit brings freedom from fear, anger, and the past. So often Christians find themselves bound by so many things and are not aware that the Holy Spirit wants to bring the freedom of God to them. Many are slaves to anger, env...

  • The Spirit's Witness | Wild Goose | Episode 13

    Episode 13

    "We are witnesses of these things, as is the Holy Spirit that God has given to those who obey him." - Acts 5:32
    The Holy Spirit gives witness to Jesus. We are not able to understand fully who Jesus is on our own strength, intellect, and power. The Holy Spirit aids us in moving from our limited i...

  • The Spirit Remembers | Wild Goose | Episode 14

    Episode 14

    "For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God. He does not ration his gift of the Spirit." - John 3:34
    It's important for us to remember the great things that God has done for us. Often we become consumed with our daily struggles and forget all that that Lord has done. We may also only focu...

  • The Wild Goose trailer

    Episode 15

    The Wild Goose series is truly a work of the Holy Spirit from 4PM Media and The Ministry of The Wild Goose. “Wild Goose” was a term that the ancient Celts had for the Holy Spirit. It is a 14 part series featuring Fr. Dave Pivonka and various interviews. Shot in various locations from Niagara Fall...

  • The Wild Goose Study Guide

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