Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. John Sehorn discuss the great apostle, St. Bartholomew. Grab your Bible and follow along.
We recommend The Augustine Bible.
Up Next in The Catholic Saints Podcast
Feast of Saint Monica | Catholic Saints
Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. John Sehorn discuss St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine.
St. Proclus of Constantinople | Catho...
St. Proclus of Constantinople lived in the 5th century and combatted the great heretic, Nestorius. As lector, priest, and then bishop, St. Proclus exemplified the virtues of kindness, humility, and courage. On this episode of Catholic Saints, Dr. John Sehorn reflects on the life and preaching of ...
St. Andrew the Apostle | Catholic Saints
All of the saints had a story before they met Christ. For St. Andrew, he was a fisherman. Hearing the call of Christ, Andrew and his brother Peter left everything behind to follow Jesus. Join Dr. Ben Akers and Mary McGeehan as they discuss St. Andrew, his life, and the example he provides to all ...