Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. John Sehorn discuss the great Doctor of the Church, St. Augustine.
Up Next in The Catholic Saints Podcast
St. Bonaventure | Catholic Saints
A Franciscan cardinal-bishop and contemporary of St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Bonaventure is an excellent example of saintly humility. Known as the "Seraphic Doctor," St. Bonaventure loved God above all else. He is known for many works, including The Life of Saint Francis and The Journey of the Mind t...
St. Ephrem the Syrian | Catholic Saints
An Eastern Father of the early Church, St. Ephrem the Syrian was arguably the most important saint and theological writer for the Syriac-speaking churches. He did not write many treaties or letters but devoted himself to writing hymns to God. These hymns, however, contain a wealth of knowledge an...
Saint Clare of Assisi | Catholic Saints
Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers discuss St. Clare and the beauty of poverty.
For a more in depth look at St. Clare, take a look at "Clare and Francis"
See part of her story featured in episode 1 of Presence
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