Symbolon: The Faith of the Church

Symbolon: The Faith of the Church

17 Episodes

Celebrating its refreshed debut, the Augustine Institute's foundational faith formation series Symbolon is new and more relatable than ever. Unlock the profound beauty and depth of the Catholic faith with Symbolon: The Faith of the Church. Join Taylor Kemp, Noelle Garcia, and Augustine Institute theologians on a transformative journey across America, delving into Catholicism's rich history, core teachings, and spiritual practices. This 16-episode series, guided by the Creed, explores everything from the sacraments to inspiring saintly stories, empowering you to understand, live, and share your faith confidently.

Enhance your experience with leaders and participant guides, featuring discussion questions, scripture, artwork, and guided prayer meditations. Get yours today at Catholic Market!

Watch the old Symbolon series here:

For more information on the artwork used throughout the series, click here.

Symbolon: The Faith of the Church
  • Symbolon: The Faith of the Church | Trailer

    Unlock the profound beauty and depth of the Catholic faith with Symbolon: The Faith of the Church. Join Taylor Kemp, Noelle Garcia, and Augustine Institute theologians on a transformative journey across America, delving into Catholicism's rich history, core teachings, and spiritual practices.


  • Seeking the Face of God | Symbolon | Session 1

    Episode 1

    Created by God and meant to return to him, our hearts are drawn towards the living God. See why seeking God is more than just thinking about him—it takes humility, perseverance, and deep prayer. Discover your heart's true purpose and connect deeply with the living God.

  • I Believe in God, the Father Almighty | Symbolon | Session 2

    Episode 2

    The greatness of the Lord is on display in the wonders of the created world. Learn why this powerful God wants to connect and invite us into a close relationship with him. Explore this divine connection and feel God's presence in your life.

  • Creator of Heaven and Earth | Symbolon | Session 3

    Episode 3

    Within the whole of the visible creation, only one creature is capable of entering into communion with God: the human being. Learn how Original Sin affected this gift and its consequences for everyone. Understand this vital relationship and its impact on our lives.

  • I Believe in Jesus Christ | Symbolon | Session 4

    Episode 4

    Merciful and wise, God's chose us to be his own. Through the Law and the prophets, he prepared us for the coming of his Son, Jesus Christ, who would save us from our sins and fulfill all that God had taught and promised.

  • His Only Son, Our Lord | Symbolon | Session 5

    Episode 5

    God’s chosen Messiah far surpasses expectations: God didn't just send a leader. He sent his Son. Jesus Christ reveals something that had once been hidden—God is a Trinity. As one of the three divine persons, Jesus shows us the depth of God's Love and his plan for salvation.

  • Born of the Virgin Mary | Symbolon | Session 6

    Episode 6

    Jesus is truly God, one person of the blessed Trinity, and he is truly man. He shares in our human nature and experiences, yet remains free from all sin. By becoming man, Jesus enables us to share in God's life through grace, fulfilling the divine plan for humanity.

  • He Suffered Under Pontius Pilate | Symbolon | Session 7

    Episode 7

    Experience the transformative Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ, who through his suffering, death, and resurrection, gave his life to free us from sin. These central and salvific events offer the gift of new life, making us adopted sons and daughters of God!

  • I Believe in the Holy Spirit | Symbolon | Session 8

    Episode 8

    After his Ascension, Christ sent his Church the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit constitutes the Church and empowers her to bring salvation to the world. Through the Holy Spirit, every soul is united to the Body of Christ, including yours.

  • Mary, the Mother of God | Symbolon | Session 9

    Episode 9

    Witness how the radical faith, hope, and love of our Blessed Mother Mary, helped form our Church. By saying "yes" to God's plan for her life, his plan for the salvation of the world was set in motion—a work that continues today in every Catholic Church worldwide.

    Enhance your experience with lea...

  • The Sacraments | Symbolon | Session 10

    Episode 10

    Why does the Church have sacraments? Christ came down to our level through the Incarnation. He continues to do so through his sacraments—visible signs instituted by Christ to give grace. Allowing the Church to participate in God's saving work, the sacraments offer us concrete experiences of God's...

  • The Body and Blood of Christ | Symbolon | Session 11

    Episode 11

    The Holy Eucharist: it's the source and summit of the Catholic faith. It's heaven on earth. It's the greatest of the sacraments, and one we can easily receive. In the Eucharist, Christ’s redeeming sacrifice is genuinely present before us. Discover how the Mass illuminates the great mystery of our...

  • Made for Communion | Symbolon | Session 12

    Episode 12

    Human beings are made for communion. We're born into the communion of family. We grow in communion with friends. The sacraments initiate and nourish our communion with God. Explore what God has revealed about communion and how to build and deepen it in your own life.

  • Faith, Hope, and Charity | Symbolon | Session 13

    Episode 13

    The whole of the Christian life is fundamentally a living out of the theological virtues. Whether washing the dishes or offering prayers for the Church, every moment is an opportunity for holiness. See how you can increase the theological virtues in your life and grow closer to God.

  • The Truth will set You Free | Symbolon | Session 14

    Episode 14

    Experience true freedom through your identity as a child of God. Freedom rests on the truth, and growth in freedom requires the guidance of wisdom. Before true joy can fill the heart, the splendor of truth must fill the mind. Discover how embracing the truths of the Catholic faith can empower you...

  • Prayer, On Earth as It Is in Heaven | Symbolon | Session 15

    Episode 15

    Prayer is the lifeblood of the Christian soul and an intimate conversation with God. The heart that responds to Christ’s summons, “Follow me,” does so with a view towards eternity. Learn what it means to come before God as a child, ready to receive his love and respond to his call to follow him e...

  • Discipleship and Mission | Symbolon | Session 16

    Episode 16

    You've witnessed the glory of Christ's mission. Now discover yours! After encountering Christ, knowing the truth of his love, and being transformed by it, the Church calls us to proclaim the good news of salvation to the world. Learn how God is calling YOU to reveal his goodness and invite others...