The story of Saint Maria Goretti is retold in this beautifully made film from Italy. It explains the plight of the poor laborers of the time, struggling to survive in a swampy area with rampant malaria and extreme poverty. Luigi and Assunta Goretti keep their faith despite the hardship, and they instill in their children a deep love for God. Their daughter Maria is especially devout. But tragedy strikes more than once: sickness and death affects the Goretti family, and then their young neighbor Alessandro does the unthinkable. This film, made on location and filled with authentic detail, stars Martina Pinto as Maria, Flavio Insinna (Saint John Bosco) as the brave local Passionist priest, Luisa Ranieri and Massimo Bonetti as her parents, and Claudia Koll as the Countess Mazzoleni.
Up Next in Saints
St. John Neumann | Catholic Saints
St. John Neumann is the first American male citizen saint! Dr. Chris Mooney recounts how St. John immigrated to the United States from Germany during the early twentieth century when the church in America was still considered a mission territory. During a time period full of hardships, St. John r...
St. Simeon the Stylite | Catholic Saints
Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss the unique life of St. Simeon the Stylite, famously known for standing on top of a pole for thirty years attempting to pray without ceasing. St. Simeon’s extremeness, like many Old Testament prophets, startles Christians to ponder how they are radically...
St. Nicholas Day | Catholic All Year ...
Kendra shares her favorite recipes and traditions for celebrating the feast of St. Nicholas (a.k.a. Santa!). Learn how to make mulled wine and cider, speculaas cookies, and deep-fried Dutch meatballs.
Find this episode's feature recipes and more about liturgical living in the home at Catholic Al...