St. Joseph: Old and New (Part 1 of 4)
Saint Joseph (4-Part Series) | Catholic Saints
In this Year of Saint Joseph, proclaimed by Pope Francis to be December 8, 2020, through December 8, 2021, Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down to reflect on the earthly father chosen by the Heavenly Father for his Son, Jesus Christ. This four-part series will begin by looking at Joseph from the Old Testament and comparing him with Saint Joseph from the New Testament, and then move into reflections on three of Saint Joseph's titles; Guardian of the Redeemer, Patron of the Universal Church, and Patron of the Domestic Church.
View all episodes of the Saint Joseph series.
Up Next in Saint Joseph (4-Part Series) | Catholic Saints
St. Joseph: Guardian of the Redeemer ...
In this Year of Saint Joseph, proclaimed by Pope Francis to be December 8, 2020, through December 8, 2021, Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down to reflect on the earthly father chosen by the Heavenly Father for his Son, Jesus Christ. This four-part series will begin by looking at Joseph from th...
St. Joseph: Patron of the Universal C...
In this Year of Saint Joseph proclaimed by Pope Francis, Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down to reflect on the earthly father chosen by the heavenly Father for his Son, Jesus Christ.
View all episodes of the Saint Joseph series.
In today's episode, Ben and Taylor talk about the value of Shor...
St. Joseph: Patron of the Domestic Ch...
In this Year of Saint Joseph proclaimed by Pope Francis, Dr. Ben Akers and Taylor Kemp sit down to reflect on the earthly father chosen by the heavenly Father for his Son, Jesus Christ.
View all episodes of the Saint Joseph series.