Sister Josephine gives us extra tips to assess further indicators for mental health needs. These tips will prove practical and helpful when you encounter situations that can cause stress for ministers.
Up Next in NEW! Mental Health in Parishes with Sr. Josephine Garrett
Boundaries | Chapter 12
Sister Josephine lays out the boundaries you will need to hold as you minister to people’s mental health needs. This will protect not only you but the other as well.
Countertransference and Biases | Chap...
This chapter dives into a word many of us have never heard, but most will experience when we minister to a person and develop a relationship with them, particularly when we have our own issues or wounds that remain unresolved.
What are Crises/Modeling a Proper Res...
This chapter is incredibly practical and incredibly challenging. Sister gives us clarity and tools so that we know what to do and what not to do, what to say and what not to say, and what constitutes a crisis situation.