The Search
5 seasons
What is this journey in between the event we call “birth” and the one we call “death”? Is the journey taking you somewhere, or are you leading yourself to some kind of destination – a destination that could extend beyond your last breath? What do you want from your life during the in between? The...
Reborn: Evangelizing Baptism Preparation for Your Parish
Join Lucas Pollice and Brian Truckenbrod as they discuss how you can use Reborn as an evangelistic resource in your parish community!
Convinced: Why Would Anyone Become Catholic?
Why would intelligent, successful people give up careers, alienate friends, and cause havoc in their families...to become Catholic? As he was considering his own move into the Church, Donald Johnson traveled around the country to get the story for himself, from some of today's most interesting an...
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained
2 seasons
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is a systematic presentation of our Catholic Faith. It will lead you through the "big picture" of the Catholic Faith and our Creed is the guide. Symbolon brings together some of the most trusted Catholic teachers in the world to guide you through the breadth...
Symbolon: La explicación de la fe Católica (Español)
2 seasons
Muy a menudo tratamos de vivir una fe que no conocemos o entendemos. Algunos de nosotros batallamos con esto, haciendo las cosas por costumbre; otros simplemente se alejan. Symbolon tiene la intención de ayudar más profundamente a las personas en incrementar la fe apostólica, que ha existido por ...
Opening the Word
3 seasons
Welcome to Opening the Word, videos and guides offering prayer and insights for the Sunday Readings. Each reflection is lead by one of our experienced presenters including Dr. Tim Gray, Dr. Mary Healy, Dr. Scott Powell, Dr. Edward Sri, Fr. John Riley, Dr. Ben Akers, and Martha Fernandez. Opening...
Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession
1 season
Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession, explores the grace and healing offered in Confession and shows how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God's love. By looking at God's revelation of his mercy in Scripture and making a step-by-step examination of the Rite itself,...
Perdonado: El Poder Transformador de la Confesión
1 season
Perdonado: El Poder Transformador de la Confesión explora la gracia y sanación que se otorgan en la Confesión y muestra cómo es que este sacramento de misericordia revela la profundidad y la abundancia del amor de Dios. Contemplando la revelación de la misericordia de Dios en las Sagradas Escritu...
Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist
1 season
Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the "source and summit" of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in...
Presencia: El Misterio de la Eucaristía
1 season
¿Por qué es tan especial la Eucaristía para los católicos? Aun cuando a simple vista solo parece ser pan y vino, es en realidad la "fuente y cumbre" de la vida cristiana. Presencia: El Misterio de la Eucaristía explora la verdad y la belleza de la presencia real de Cristo en la Eucaristía, desde ...
ECHO with Bishop Donald Hying
4 seasons
The ECHO series from Ahava Productions will be a 36 part video-based study of the United States Catholic Catechism of Adults (USCCA) presented by Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin. These short and engaging videos introduce each chapter of the USCCA and provide an inspiring start to perso...
ECHO en Español con el Obispo Donald Hying
4 seasons
La serie ECO de Ahava Productions es una serie de 36 videos de un estudio basado en el Catecismo Católico de los Estados Unidos para Adultos (USCCA) presentado por el Obispo Donald Hying de Madison, Wisconsin. Estos videos cortos y atractivos, introducen cada capítulo del Catecismo (USCCA y prove...
Our Story: A Basic Introduction to the Bible for Catholics
1 season
In a series of 5-minute video segments, get the Bible’s big picture, along with a uniquely Catholic approach to the Scriptures. There is a Leader’s Guide containing everything needed to use Our Story in a parish group setting, as well as a User’s Guide for those individuals using Our Story at home.
The Elements of the Catholic Mass
1 season
Elements of the Catholic Mass is designed to help the faithful better appreciate the beauty of the Mass. Featuring Fr. Douglas Martis, former director of the Liturgical Institute, the program consists of thirty-one beautifully produced short videos. Because each episode comes with a discussion gu...
Catholic Answers: Ready Reasons
1 season
Ready Reasons are short videos that discuss various topics within the Catholic faith. These concise videos are meant to start a conversation about the Catholic faith and lead viewer to begin their own journey towards the truths of the Catholic faith, or to deepen their understanding of it.
Chosen edited by Donna Steichen
The twenty-three men and women who tell their conversion stories in these pages were not drawn to the Church by sound evangelization programs, beautiful buildings and liturgies, or saintly witnesses among the clergy. On the contrary, many of them were attracted to Catholicism in spite of a now de...
The Augustine Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray
73 items
The Augustine Institute Show with Dr. Tim Gray is an exciting new, weekly Catholic talk show airing on FORMED every Tuesday at 7:00 PM EST that brings the truth and beauty of the Gospel to Catholics all over the world. This exciting initiative is the most recent addition to the Augustine Institut...
Truth and Life Dramatized Audio Bible
1 season
The Truth & Life Dramatized Audio Bible New Testament is a celebrity-voiced "radio drama" of the entire RSV-CE New Testament. More than 70 actors help bring the scriptures to life in this 22-hour audio production, complete with movie-quality sound effects and an original music score. This award-w...