Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession

9 Episodes

Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession, explores the grace and healing offered in Confession and shows how this sacrament of mercy reveals the depth and bounty of God's love. By looking at God's revelation of his mercy in Scripture and making a step-by-step examination of the Rite itself, Forgiven communicates God's invitation to each one of us to come experience his indescribable love in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Also available in Spanish.

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Forgiven: The Transforming Power of Confession
  • Where are You?

    Episode 1

    Have you ever felt lost and alone, isolated in guilt? Like the Prodigal Son among the pigs, we know that we have sinned. But God won't leave us there—he searches for us and runs to welcome us home in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

  • An Encounter with Mercy

    Episode 2

    We are not defined by our mistakes. In Confession, Jesus invites us to encounter his mercy and be healed by his love. When he tells us "Go and sin no more," he also gives us the grace to do so.

  • Embraced in Mercy: The Rite Explained

    Episode 3

    Whether you go to Confession regularly or a decade ago, this session guides you step-by-step through the deeper meaning of every aspect of the Rite—what it is, why we do it, and how it impacts your life.

  • Biblical Foundations

    Episode 4

    The Sacrament of Reconciliation is founded on the powerful revelation of God's love and mercy for his people throughout Scripture. God's delegation of his authority to the priest in Confession is a continuation of the way God uses both angels and men in Scripture as his mediators.

  • Answering Common Questions about Confession

    Episode 5

    Why do we confess our sins to a priest? Is this sacrament some arbitrary requirement or does it have an inner logic? The answer to these and many more questions about Confession begins and ends with love.

  • For Children: How to Make a Great Confession

    Episode 6

    It can feel scary to go to Confession, but really, we go to the Sacrament of Confession because God loves us so much that he wants us to remove all the sins that keep us from Him. When we go to Confession, we say "I love you, Jesus, will you forgive me of my sins?" In this session, kids will lear...

  • For Parents: Preparing Your Child for First Confession

    Episode 7

    Parents have a unique and irreplaceable role in catechizing their children. This session offers practical tips and strategies to encourage and empower parents as they help their children prepare for First Reconciliation. These tools go beyond sacrament preparation to help build a family culture o...

  • For Catechists: Revealing Mercy in a Merciless World

    Episode 8

    Our world desperately needs mercy. This session will equip parish leaders to share the joy of God's mercy. Make sure your parish gets the most out of the Forgiven series with this practical training.

  • For Parish Staff: Strategies on How to Promote Confession

    Episode 9

    Take the message of mercy out to the whole world with these strategies to help your parish reach as many people as possible with the good news of God's love and forgiveness. This session will help you use Forgiven to encourage parishioners to encounter God in Confession, no matter how long they h...