Called "the saint of ordinary life" by Pope John Paul II, St. Josemaria Escriva centered his ministry around a simple truth: each person can experience the extraordinary grace of holiness even in the ordinary events of day-to-day life. Join Dr. Christopher Mooney and Mary McGeehan on this episode of Catholic Saints to discuss St. Josemaria: his origin, spirituality, Opus Dei, and how to follow his saintly example.
Discussion Question: At the center of St. Josemaria's spirituality is the concept of divine filiation—the theological truth that because of your baptism, you are a child of God. Contemplate and pray with this reality. What stands out to you? What does the Lord say about you as his son or daughter?
Up Next in November 1 — All Saints Day
The Feast of St. Mark | Catholic Saints
Join Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. Tim Gray for the feast of St. Mark.
Who is St. Stephen? | Catholic Saints
Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Michael Barber delve into Sacred Scripture's account of St. Stephen's leadership and final death.
Who is St. Catherine of Siena? | Cath...
Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Elizabeth Klein as they celebrate Catherine of Siena: a nurse and mystic with papal influence who became a saint and doctor of the Church.
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