Mysteries of the Rosary | Paradisus Dei
The Sweet Exchange | Episode 7 | Mysteries of the Rosary: The Joyful Mysteries
Episode 7
When we pray the Rosary well, the events of the life of Jesus pass before the eyes of the soul. The goal of prayer is to put us in living communion with Jesus through the heart of his Mother. It starts with us individually, then our families, and then the Church. St. John Paul II urges a revival of the Rosary in Christian families to counteract the devastating effects of a world in crisis! Our Christian communities need to become schools of prayer. With God on our side, we have more than hope, we have assurance of victory! We must make time for this daily pause for prayer: a daily Rosary and a daily consecration to Jesus through Mary.
Sr. Faustina Maria Pia
Sr. Alexia Zaldivar
Dr. Katie Cavadini-Pagliarini
Dr. Anthony Pagliarini
Fr. Christopher Meyer
Katie Hartfiel
Fr. Jude Ezuma
Mark and Krista Hanrahan
Fr. Arthur Unachukwu
Oscar (UST Student)