Mysteries of the Rosary | Paradisus Dei

Mysteries of the Rosary | Paradisus Dei

2 Seasons

The Mysteries of the Rosary is a four-part film series hosted by Mark Hartfiel, Vice President of Paradisus Dei and current developer of That Man is You! men's program The series began out of Mark Hartfiel’s desire to deepen his spiritual life as a father and husband, which included taking steps to protect his family from evil. Saint Padre Pio said, “The Rosary is the ‘weapon’ for these times,” and Hartfiel took that to heart, ultimately becoming convicted to pray the ancient prayers of the Rosary daily. It was through his daily Rosary that the idea came to him to create and film a series that takes viewers right to the Holy Land, right where these Mysteries actually happened.

The first series, The Sorrowful Mysteries, was released in February 2023 during Lent. The Joyful Mysteries was the second to release in October 2023 in preparation for Advent.

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Mysteries of the Rosary | Paradisus Dei
  • The Joyful Mysteries | Mysteries of the Rosary | Trailer

  • The Fullness of Joy | Episode 1 | Mysteries of the Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries

    Episode 1

    We live in a time of great crisis. So many in our world are tormented with desolation and despair. Yet the Gospel is exploding with joy! Joy is attractive, magnetic, contagious! Our world is desperately in need of a joyful Christian witness. The new evangelization will be marked by Christian joy!...

  • The Annunciation | Episode 2 | Mysteries of the Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries

    Episode 2

    In His infinitely creative mind, God could have done it in another way. In His providence, He chose Mary. The Angel Gabriel appeared and all of Heaven trembled in anticipation. Mary gives her fiat and our long wait is over! Generation after generation of longing and aching for a Messiah comes to ...

  • The Visitation | Episode 3 | Mysteries of the Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries

    Episode 3

    When Jesus is present, miracles happen: miracles of conversion, miracles of healing, miracles of reconciliation, miracles of love. In the Visitation, Mary brings the sanctifying grace and joy of Jesus to Elizabeth and John the Baptist and both are filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth exclaims, ...

  • The Nativity | Episode 4 | Mysteries of the Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries

    Episode 4

    The Nativity of Our Lord is an act of profound humility. God abased himself, an infinite step down, a dizzying descent from God to slave. The all Powerful One makes himself vulnerable and becomes an infant. He was born in Bethlehem, the “house of bread”, in a feeding trough. Mary and Joseph, shep...

  • The Presentation | Episode 5 | Mysteries of the Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries

    Episode 5

    St. John Paul II tells us that in the midst of The Joyful Mysteries, the 4th and 5th decades point to the drama yet to come. The Presentation is already foreshadowing the Cross. The offering Mary makes at the Presentation in the Temple becomes manifested and reaches its
    fulfillment at Calvary. It...

  • Finding Jesus in the Temple | Episode 6 | Mysteries of the Rosary

    Episode 6

    Each year, the Holy Family would return to Jerusalem for the Feast of the Passover. When the feast ended, they began their journey home. Mary and Joseph went a full day’s journey before realizing that Jesus was missing. All who listened to Jesus were “amazed.” Jesus not only has the words of eter...

  • The Sweet Exchange | Episode 7 | Mysteries of the Rosary - The Joyful Mysteries

    Episode 7

    When we pray the Rosary well, the events of the life of Jesus pass before the eyes of the soul. The goal of prayer is to put us in living communion with Jesus through the heart of his Mother. It starts with us individually, then our families, and then the Church. St. John Paul II urges a revival ...