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  • Sorrowful Mysteries with Dr. Tim Gray

    Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger as they pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary together live from the Augustine Institute.

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — February 24, 2024

    Action Item: Pray for your enemies today.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

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  • Lenten Daily Reflections — February 25, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on how God doesn’t spare his beloved Son for your sake.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://wat...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 21, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on Jesus’ promise to bring us from death to life.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://watch.for...

  • Daily Reflections — January 30, 2024

    Action Item: See that faith is the bridge to God’s grace.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

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  • Daily Reflections — Feast of St. John Bosco — January 31, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on your pursuits, making sure your intentions are pure.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bib...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 11, 2024

    Action Item: Be more hopeful today as you realize God’s promises.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://watch.formed.o...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 12, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on how Jesus is the source of the living streams through the Holy Spirit.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readi...

  • Overcoming Difficulties in Prayer

    Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Scott Hefelfinger discuss overcoming difficulties in prayer. What are ways that we can surrender our struggles and allow God to pour grace into our lives?

    Interested in learning more about prayer?

    FORMED Now! How to Pray

  • Daily Reflections — The Epiphany of the Lord — January 7, 2024

    Action Item: Do not take for granted that you can be part of the people of God.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://...

  • Daily Reflections — January 5, 2024

    Action Item: See yourself as the problem, not others.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

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  • Daily Reflections — January 10, 2024

    Action Item: Go to your Prayer Time with a Greater Earnestness to Listen to what the Lord has to say to us.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

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  • Daily Reflections — February 5, 2024

    Action Item: Abide in God’s law and word, so his presence will abide with you.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://b...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 15, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on Wisdom 2 as a powerful prophecy of Jesus’ suffering.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://wat...

  • Lenten Daily Reflections — March 26, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on Christ’s experience of betrayal and denial from those closest to him.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

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  • Day 7: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel!

    "And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband; and I heard a great voice from the throne saying, 'Behold, the dwelling of God is with men.'" —Revelation 21:2–3

  • Daily Reflections — November 19, 2023

    Action Item: Reflect on the difference between right and wrong fear.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https://bible.usccb...

  • Daily Reflections — Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch — October 17, 2023

    Action Item: Do not be ashamed of being religious but share the good news with the world boldly.

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be in...

  • Daily Reflections — February 7, 2024

    Action Item: Examine the purity of your heart and desires.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

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  • Confessions of Augustine: Who Is St. Augustine? (Part 1 of 6)

    Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Dr. John Sehorn, professors at the Augustine Institute, walk through the culture shaping, famous work of The Confessions of Saint Augustine. This classic of western literature has shaped thought for over 1,500 years and is a spiritual masterpiece reflecting man's relations...

  • Daily Reflections — February 6, 2024

    Action Item: Reflect on how it is inward purity that matters for God’s presence.

    Help us share the truth and beauty of the Gospel and reach Catholics worldwide. Become an Augustine Institute Mission Circle Partner.

    Join the Mission Circle today!

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at https:/...

  • Want to be Happy? Rest More. | Chris Stefanick Show

    Feeling anxious? A little burned-out? Maybe you need to rest.
    When you don’t take time for rest, your life can control you and sap your joy. On the flip side, people who take time for rest are happy. They’re at peace. Plus they end up doing more of the things they actually enjoy!
    God commanded us...

  • Daily Reflections — August 31, 2023

    Action Item: Pray for the ardor of love.

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    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morning with a short video from ...

  • Daily Reflections — Feast of Sts. Joachim and Anne — July 26, 2023

    Action Item: Reflect on how the Eucharist is the Bread from Heaven.

    Follow along with the Daily Readings at

    Sign up at FORMED Daily to receive these daily reflections directly to your inbox. Start your day off right. Be inspired and renewed each morni...