El sacerdote, para manifestar el valor, lo sagrado e importancia de la celebración, usa vestiduras especiales con un significado profundo que realza lo sagrado de la celebración y el culto.
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Sent: Catholic Neighboorhood Evangeli...
In the words of St. Paul, "Everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, but how can men believe in him in whom they have never heard and how can they hear without a preacher and how can men preach unless they are Sent" (Rm. 10:13-15).
But who will be sent? And sent not to distant...
The Parts of the Mass
Nearly 2000 years after the Last Supper, the Mass continues to be celebrated thousands of times each day throughout the world. This presentation offers a brief overview of the Mass from beginning to end
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time—February ...
Imagine yourself sitting at the feet of Jesus when he gave the Beatitudes. Hear him say that the rich and satisfied will be unhappy. Hear him offer a path of true happiness through humble obedience and faith. Do you accept this humble path?
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