Imagine yourself sitting at the feet of Jesus when he gave the Beatitudes. Hear him say that the rich and satisfied will be unhappy. Hear him offer a path of true happiness through humble obedience and faith. Do you accept this humble path?
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Juan Pablo II está vivo: Milagros del...
La causa de canonización de Juan Pablo II ha recibido más de 15.000 mensajes de curaciones o hechos extraordinarios. Dos de esos casos, que protagonizan una madre de familia de Costa Rica y una religiosa de Francia, han sido analizados por médicos especialistas de reconocido prestigio. Su conclus...
Architecture and Story
Dr. Edward Sri explains how a church—if rightly designed and decorated—can manifest for us the same story of the faith summarized in the Creed.
29th Sunday of Ordinary Time—October ...
Have you ever longed for a role, a job, or place in life that you would give just about anything to have it? And then, after you finally get what you wanted, you realize you bit off way more than you can chew? In today's Gospel, two of Jesus' disciples ask for a huge role—to partake of Jesus' pas...