Jesus spent a large amount of time with a small amount of people. It’s tempting to think that all we need in our parishes are better programs to evangelize the masses, but the truth of it is: only people can love people. Relationships hold an absolute priority over programs when it comes to effective evangelization and ministry. Taking our cue from Jesus, we learn that time spent with a few people in his name is time well spent.
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6.2 - La Tabla de Planeamiento
Katherine Angulo nos comparte un recurso de ayuda para la evaluación de años pasados y la planeación futura de los eventos del ministerio de jóvenes.
Week Four | Prepare Your Heart: Adven...
In week four of the Prepare Your Heart, Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, asks us to walk with Mary this Advent. Mary is our mother who teaches us how to be gentle, how to suffer well, and how to let the pain we experience in this life lead us to a deeper faith in the Lord.
What can you do this Advent t...
Décimo Mandamiento: Acoger la pureza ...
"No codiciarás las cosas ajenas" (ver Éxodo 20:17) El décimo mandamiento nos inspira a que rechacemos la envidia, el egoísmo o cualquier tipo de codicia, y a que amemos y demos con generosidad. La generosidad a la que estamos llamados no es solamente el resultado de un desapego disciplinado de lo...
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