Our individual identities are shaped by and linked to our parents and the stories of our families. As a Church, our identity is linked to and shaped by our fathers and mothers in the faith, the earliest Christians. What do those early Christians have to say that is of relevance to the contemporary Church? How is our understanding of liturgy shaped by what Jesus' followers in the first centuries believed and practiced? Have the changes in the Eucharist brought us closer to the ancient church or separated us from our roots?
These are some of the questions Mike Aquilina, St. Paul Center's Executive Vice President, Carl Sommer and Rod Bennett, will address in this five part series as they examine the faith, and particularly the liturgy, from the vantage point of the early Christians. Tackle those questions and more in "Lessons from the Early Church."
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Pentecost Novena — Day 8 — May 26, 2023
Join us in praying the original novena with the apostles as we await the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4) at Pentecost.
View all days of the Pentecost Novena
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Genesis: Part 1 of 2 | Torah: Book Co...
God makes a good world and installs humans as its rulers. Humanity rebels and ends up ruling the world in a destructive way, leading to violence, death, and the founding of the city of Babylon. God’s response is to set in motion a plan to rescue and bless the whole world through the family of Abr...