What can St. Paul teach us about reaching a diverse culture with the Gospel? We'll look at the people he encountered, both Jews and Gentiles, and how he sought first to affirm some portion of their belief system before building upon it to incorporate the Gospel of Christ.
Click to view the entire series of Lectio: Evangelization
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Generosity | The Catholic Parent | Ep...
Tithing. Maybe you've heard the word before, but what is it? What does it really mean to tithe?
In this episode, we explore tithing—our obligation to provide for the Church's material needs—and examine how generosity bears fruit in our lives. Join other Catholic parents and enter into the story ...
Corazón inquieto, confesiones de San ...
Filmada en Europa, la primera película de larga duración de Agustín utiliza un telón de fondo histórico para contar la verdadera historia de uno de los Santos más queridos y conocidos de la Iglesia. Su mensaje de pecado, conversión, redención es tan oportuno hoy como lo fue en el siglo quinto de ...
The Gift by Dr. Tim Gray
It's easy to lose sight of the real story of the Magi amidst the figurines, the television renditions, and the carols about the three "oriental kings." This study looks at the biblical account and gives a proper context for a truly meaningful celebration of joy through sacrificial giving. Present...