Leaving an LGBTQ Identity for Christ with Kim Zember | Chris Stefanick Show
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1h 17m
This was quite possibly one of the most profound and impactful conversations I’ve had in my entire life! Truly, Kim Zember is a presence of the outpouring of God’s love.
So often, people within the church tend to pick two sides of the LGBTQ issue. They ignore the person feeling these attractions, or they condone and celebrate the lifestyle. The problem with these options are, neither one views the whole person as a child of God.
Kim and I talk about her journey, how she realized she was attracted to women, when she realized that the LGBTQ community was hurting her more than helping her, and the people who loved her along the way. She also gives practical tips for how to walk with someone on this journey and amazing resources and ministries if you experience same-sex attraction and want to live according to Jesus’ plan for your life.
Guys, the Lord loves you SO much. He doesn’t care what you have done or what struggles you have. He knows all of that and still found you worth dying for and loves you STILL. I can’t wait for you to watch, and please consider sharing this video with a friend who would benefit from hearing Kim’s testimony.
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