En esta sesión, el camino de Cristo finalmente le conduce a Jerusalén y al Templo, al comienzo de la última semana antes de su Pasión. Jerusalén da la bienvenida a Jesús como el Mesías en su entrada triunfal, pero la celebración no durará mucho, como lo aprenderemos del Evangelio de San Marcos. Jesús no ha venido a Jerusalén para deleitarse con cualquier victoria temporal, ha venido a realizar la etapa final de su entronización en la Cruz.
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Leaving an LGBTQ Identity for Christ ...
This was quite possibly one of the most profound and impactful conversations I’ve had in my entire life! Truly, Kim Zember is a presence of the outpouring of God’s love.
So often, people within the church tend to pick two sides of the LGBTQ issue. They ignore the person feeling these attraction...
Why Believe? - The Secret of Divine M...
Fr. Michael Gaitley discusses the secret of divine mercy, and of our need to reflect upon the “deeper truth” of God’s love and forgiveness.
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time—June 25,...
Jesus was very clear about the cost of discipleship. It might entail family division, persecution, and even death. He didn't mince words when he talked about the hardships his followers would face. And yet, at the same time he says, "Do not be afraid."
Isn't this a bit of a contradiction? Does i...
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