Lo que existía desde el principio, lo que hemos oído y lo que hemos visto con nuestros ojos.
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Lo que las selfies nos dicen sobre no...
Las cámaras de nuestros teléfonos hacen que nos sea muy fácil tomar fotos del mundo que nos rodea, incluidas nuestras caras. Las selfies a veces se pueden ver de forma negativa. Pudiéramos preguntarnos si la gente es demasiado egocéntrica. Pero tal vez haya una necesidad humana detrás de esta cos...
The Connection Between Happiness and ...
The problem of finding happiness has been contemplated for thousands of years. Did you know that new studies show that having social connections improves our health and well-being? Plus, having higher-quality close connections is more important for our well-being than the number of connections. S...
The Chaldean Catholic Faith
When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He spoke Aramaic. This ancient language is still spoken today by over 500,000 Iraqi Christians (aka Chaldean Catholics) throughout the world, primarily in Iraq and the USA. Their beautiful language is always on full display during a Chaldean Catholic Mass. In c...
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