The Chaldean Catholic Faith
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When Jesus Christ walked the earth, He spoke Aramaic. This ancient language is still spoken today by over 500,000 Iraqi Christians (aka Chaldean Catholics) throughout the world, primarily in Iraq and the USA. Their beautiful language is always on full display during a Chaldean Catholic Mass. In communion with the Holy See, the Chaldean Catholic faith is a significant branch of the extraordinary tree of faith planted by Jesus Christ. Father Peter Patros and Sub-Deacon Dima Kosa are blessed to shepherd Chaldean Catholics during Holy Mass and in their respective parishes. Their shared faith will touch your heart. Their chanting of the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic will move you greatly.
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Jared Staudt and Joseph Pearce discuss history and education in the light of the works and words of Hilaire Belloc and Christopher Dawson.
Jubileo: 700 años buscando el perdón
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Creo en Dios, Padre Todopoderoso | Sy...
La grandeza del Señor puede ser descubierta en las maravillas del mundo creado. Descubre cómo es que este poderoso Dios quiere estar en contacto con nosotros e invitarnos a una relación cercana con Él. Explora esta conexión divina y siente la presencia de Dios en tu vida.