As you look at this last section, make sure to view the PDF guide that will walk you through a comprehensive strategic plan to implement best practices to meet people at each level of their discipleship.
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Session 6 | When A Loved One Dies By ...
In this film, Bishop Dolan and Deacon Schoener address the Catholic Church’s teaching about suicide. They discuss the last four things, praying for all souls, compassionate and pastoral responses to suicide, Christ's mercy and judgement, and Church teaching on suicide.
If you are experiencing su...
Novena to St. John Paul II - Day Four
You can download the PDF of these prayers here:
Symbolon (Portuguese) // Sessão 10
Ao longo do seu ministério público, Jesus saiu do seu caminhopara associar-se aos pobres, aos que sofrem e àqueles mais vulneráveis na sociedade. Ele visitou seus lares, veio à sua assistência, dirigiu-lhes a palavra como amigos e trouxe-lhes conforto e cura. Jesus identificou-se tanto com os pob...