Learn about The Seven Deadly Sins with Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Dr. Carl Vennerstrom and how to apply an antidotal cure through virtue. On this episode, learn about the sins of acedia – also known as sadness or sloth.
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Tears of Christ - Day 5
Lev/Heart | The Shema: Word Studies |...
Different cultures have different conceptions of the human heart, what it is and what it does, and the biblical authors are no exception. In this video, we'll explore the ancient Hebrew words for \"heart\" as well as the different ideas of what our hearts represent. There is no biblical word that...
The Gospel of Mark | Book Collection ...
Mark is one of the earliest Gospel accounts and addresses the basic question of whether Jesus was the true Messiah for whom Israel had been waiting. The Catholic Church has received Mark 16:9-20 as canonical and inspired scripture, whether or not it was authored by the evangelist or a later scrib...
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