Littles and Bigs: How Tantrums Prepared Me for Teenagers
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The thought of your toddlers growing into teenagers can be overwhelming. Katherine Whitaker shares how to lay a foundation of love for your toddlers to grow. Join Katherine as she invites you to delve deeper into your vocation with love for your children, no matter their age.
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La Eucaristía—Sacrificio y la Misa po...
De acuerdo con las pláticas del Arzobispo Sheen, el Padre Rivas nos enseña como sólo en Cristo encontramos el misterio de que la vida más alta fue dada para dar vida espiritual a la clase inferior, nosotros. La Santa Misa es ambos el Santo Sacrificio del Calvario y una conmemoración de este sacri...
Chapter 21: Community is Crucial
This chapter is incredibly impactful because most of what we already do as parishes falls under the category of catechesis. Julianne Stanz gives us some creative ways to reinforce what we already are doing well and to rethink some of the ways we have always done things. How can we best create a t...
Episode 4-Virtue
Our greatest hope as parents is for our kids to grow up to become the best version of themselves. But what does that mean and how can we lead them there? There is no list of rules that can drive us to become the best version of ourselves, but we can offer a roadmap. Here we learn what it ...