The word conversion comes from the Latin word convertere, meaning "to turn around." When was the last time you were driving somewhere and got lost on the way to your destination? Maybe you were following the directions, but they led to the wrong place. Or maybe you thought you could figure out how to get to your destination on your own, only to realize you didn't quite know the way. We have all experienced needing to turn around, retrace our steps, and start over. This is the crux of the Christian life: being willing to convert, to turn around, the areas of our life that need to be more aligned with God's plan for our eternal happiness.
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El amor de auto donación es el ideal de Dios para el matrimonio. En Su plan, los esposos libremente rinden su autonomía personal y su libertad por el bien del otro. En cierto sentido, el matrimonio involucra un morir a uno mismo. Tal compromiso requiere virtudes como la generosidad, la paciencia,...