What do we do after the resurrection? Join Dr. Tim Gray and Dr. Ben Akers as they discuss Eastertide!
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Spiritual Works Of Mercy Song | Chris...
Memorize all of the Spiritual Works of Mercy by name, through this song.
I'm Christine! With a passion for both Catholicism and music, I’ve created "Musical Catechesis"—catchy, authentically Catholic songs and videos that make learning the Faith fun and easy for the entire family. My mission...
John of the Cross
As a young priest, John of the Cross (1542-1591) is confronted with the corruption of his Carmelite Order, and sets out to live a truly contemplative life. His religious brothers, resenting his holiness and asceticism and his efforts to reform the order, imprison him in a closet for nine torturou...
Donación Total De Sí
El amor de auto donación es el ideal de Dios para el matrimonio. En Su plan, los esposos libremente rinden su autonomía personal y su libertad por el bien del otro. En cierto sentido, el matrimonio involucra un morir a uno mismo. Tal compromiso requiere virtudes como la generosidad, la paciencia,...