Week 3 & 4

Week 3 & 4

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Week 3 & 4
  • St. Frances & Liturgical Living | Catholic All Year at Home w/ Kendra Tierney

    Join the Tierney family as they celebrate the feast of Saint Frances of Rome, patroness of homemaking! Learn about practicing the corporal works of mercy in the home, the very Catholic Lenten history of pretzels and beer, and watch Kendra and three-year-old Barbara make something they like to cal...

  • Perpetua and Felicity | The Faithful

    This video is not rated, but it contains scenes, including violence, indicative of the life and times of the saint portrayed. We would recommend Parental Guidance and that parents preview it before watching with children. Recommended ages 9 and up.

    The Story of Saints...

  • The Three Temptations with Dr. Brant Pitre

    Reflect with Dr. Brant Pitre on the temptations of Jesus in the desert as he gets to the heart of the meaning of Lent.

  • The Hour of Our Death | Eternal Rest | Episode 3

    The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is one of the seven sacraments of the Church. But whom exactly is this sacrament for? What are its effects? In this session, we discover the role of this sacramental anointing in the spiritual struggle during serious illness, in the final stages of our t...

  • Embraced in Mercy: The Rite Explained

    Whether you go to Confession regularly or a decade ago, this session guides you step-by-step through the deeper meaning of every aspect of the Rite—what it is, why we do it, and how it impacts your life.

  • Sts. Perpetua & Felicity | Catholic Saints

    Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss the life and impact of two female martyrs from the third century, Sts. Perpetua and Felicity. Both were beheaded for refusing to renounce their Christian faith. Their feast day is March 7.

  • Week Three | Restore: Lent with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

    In week three of Restore, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, explores the root of personal sin and reflects on a quote from Bob Schuchts of the John Paul II Healing Center, “Behind every disordered desire is a good and holy desire, an unmet need, an unhealed wound, and a hidden pattern of sin.” Sr....

  • Week Three | Return: Lent with Fr. John Burns

    Fr. John Burns reflects on the practice of fasting to return to the Lord. Fr. John affirms for us that it is in our suffering—our experiences of betrayal and rejection—that we are united with Christ and experience the victory of Christ on the cross as we carry our own crosses in life. In Lent, we...

  • Talking Back: Scripture's to Answer Common Fears | Fearless | Episode 3

    How can the Word of God help us face fear and win back victory from the Enemy’s control? Chris continues his conversation with Fr. Dave Pivonka about how people of faith address fear. Scripture provides concrete ways to wield the power of God's Word against the fear of need, abandonment, vulnerab...

  • Week Four | Return: Lent with Fr. John Burns

    Fr. John Burns reflects on weeping and lamentation as a remedy for coming to terms with the reality that things in life do not always go as we want. In the Bible, the Israelites cried out to the Lord when things went wrong—not as an accusation against God—but as a display of their continued faith...

  • Death, Where is Your Sting? Sarah Kirchner's Story | Fearless | Episode 4

    Despite our attempts to cheat it, we all must face death eventually. Listen as Chris shares the powerful story of Sarah Kirchner and her courageous battle against pediatric bone cancer. Who can bring us victory in the face of such significant trials? Find out in this lesson.

  • Week Four | Restore: Lent with Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT

    In week four of Restore, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT, reflects on almsgiving and how it heals your relationships with others. One of the most powerful ways to heal your brokenness is to give—not only money or clothing, but also your presence and love—to those whom God has placed in your life,...

  • The Story of Saint Perpetua

    A young woman willingly takes a stand of faith and challenges the Roman Empire.

    Born to a noble Roman family, Perpetua converts to Christianity when she is irresistibly drawn to the example of unselfish love and service that she witnesses in the local believers.

    Along with slaves Felicity and...

  • Living Lent as a Family (Part 3 of 4)

    Have you ever wanted to live more liturgically but not known how? We want to help all families by providing these discussions on liturgical living during Lent to be a resource for the Domestic Church—the home. We pray that these discussions bless you and your family.

    Dr. Ben Akers sits down with...

  • Bible Study on the Sorrowful Mysteries: The Crowning with Thorns

    Have you ever wanted to grow in your understanding and devotion to the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary? Join Dr. Ben Akers and professors from the Augustine Institute Graduate School as they walk through these Biblical mysteries and seek to grow in understanding and love for Christ through them...

  • Let's Learn about Lent

    Join Brother Francis in this compact presentation of what Lent is all about and how we observe it as Catholics. Great for the whole family!

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