Have you ever felt lost and alone, isolated in guilt? Like the Prodigal Son among the pigs, we know that we have sinned. But God won't leave us there—he searches for us and runs to welcome us home in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Up Next in Week of Ash Wednesday
The Spirituality of Lent
Looking to take Lent more seriously this year? Join Tim Gray for ideas for a Lenten spirituality.
Whole 40: Making a Spiritual Plan for...
Ash Wednesday is the beginning of Lent and a great day to make a plan for this holy and grace-filled season. Dr. Ben Akers sits down with Dr. Elizabeth Klein, Professor at the Augustine Institute Graduate School, to discuss the purpose of the season of Lent, how to prepare for it, and why it is s...
Ash Wednesday | Return: Lent with Fr....
Fr. John Burns explains how the season of Lent calls us to return to the Lord, and renounce all those things of the world that separate us from God. Lent begins with the practice of wearing ashes on our foreheads to remind us and the world that there is grave sin, disorder, and division that is a...