A pair of holy twins, a cave, and a group of naughty monks… this is the story of Saint Benedict and Saint Scholastica.
Visit their website here: www.littlestsaints.com
Up Next in Week of Ash Wednesday
The Three Temptations with Dr. Brant ...
Reflect with Dr. Brant Pitre on the temptations of Jesus in the desert as he gets to the heart of the meaning of Lent.
The Story of Death | Eternal Rest | E...
Where did death come from? What does death mean for the human person? Is it simply just part of life, or is it something else? In this first session, we discuss the story of death and God’s response to it: defeating death by dying and rising from the dead.
View all episodes here: https://watch.f...
Where are You?
Have you ever felt lost and alone, isolated in guilt? Like the Prodigal Son among the pigs, we know that we have sinned. But God won't leave us there—he searches for us and runs to welcome us home in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.