"Session 1: On Pilgrimage: Walking with Father Kapaun
“How many times does not Holy Mother Church tell us that our life on this earth is a journey? This earth is not our lasting home. God created us for a higher, a much more perfect home, our home in heaven with the joy of God.” - Servant of God Emil Kapaun
Each year at the beginning of summer hundreds of pilgrims walk 60 miles in the plains of Kansas to the hometown of Servant of God Emil Kapaun. They do it not only to remember the heroic Catholic priest and Army chaplain who is on the path to sainthood, but to discover how they can better continue on their own path to sainthood. Will you answer the Lord’s call to journey with us towards heaven?
To learn more about the Father Kapaun Pilgrimage or to join us, click here"
Up Next in Episodes
Session 2: Invitation
No one walks without first being invited. In this session we seek to better understand God’s call to holiness and how much he desires us to journey with Him. (12 minutes) -
Session 3: Simplicity
A pilgrim carries only what he needs. The freedom we encounter on a pilgrimage can reveal just how much our lives are cluttered by activities or material things. Not all of these are bad, but the pilgrim needs to be mindful of what helps or hinders him on his pilgrimage to ... -
Session 4: Accompaniment
No one walks this journey alone. God desires to give us strength and joy through the men and women who walk with us. Out on pilgrimage it is easy to enter into the stories of those walking with you. Do you enter into the stories of the men and women you meet in your dail...