Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well

Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well

2 Seasons

Exclusively on Formed.

We all have very real questions about death. What happens when we die? What does Scripture teach about death? How do we prepare for the life to come? Explore the mystery of death, dying, and everlasting life through Eternal Rest, a new offering of the Augustine Institute. Eternal Rest examines the origin of death, the afterlife, and the powerful reality around the sacrament that ushers us into eternal life. Eternal Rest presents the Catholic Church’s teaching about death and God’s response to it with wisdom and truth, gentleness and compassion, so we can think about and prepare for death in the light of Jesus Christ, the Author of life.

We pray that through Eternal Rest, God may give you greater peace, solace, and perspective. In addition to watching the film series, visit for practical resources, including 60+ videos of experts answering common questions about end-of-life medical care, funerals, legal documents, grief, and more. Purchase the Eternal Rest study guide on Catholic Market.

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Eternal Rest: The Art of Dying Well
  • What Are Some Symbols in a Catholic Funeral?

    Episode 1

    No part of the funeral liturgy is accidental—even the smallest components have significance.

    Through the Church, God meets us in our most fundamental need. Christ, who is fully present in the liturgy, walks with us every step of the way through pain, sorrow, and grief.

    “There is no more wonderf...

  • If I Do Choose Cremation What Steps Should I Take Next?

    Episode 2

    Choosing cremation is permissible within the Catholic Church, provided full reverence for the body is preserved, and the remains are kept together and laid to rest in a sacred space.

    The Catholic Church permits cremation but still recommends traditional burial. If you do choose cremation for you...

  • Why Does the Church Prefer Full Burial Rather Than Cremation?

    Episode 3

    Cremation can diminish reverence for the body in a way that traditional burial does not.

    The Church allows cremation, with the stipulation that full respect for the body is retained. However, an unfortunate trend some funeral directors have noticed in recent years is the way cremation tends to d...

  • What do Catholic Cemeteries do for the Poor or Homeless?

    Episode 4

    Catholic cemeteries may have a crypt or mausoleum where people in poverty or homelessness may be laid to rest.

    Many counties have assistance programs to help families with low income and homeless individuals find ways to bury their loved ones at little to no cost. It is often Catholic cemeteries...

  • How does Cremation Relate to the Resurrection of the Body?

    Episode 5

    Cremation is permissible, but the Church does not recommend it because it does not bear full witness to the resurrection of the body as traditional earth burial does.

    Whereas Platonists and other ideologies believe that only the soul can join God in Heaven, Catholics believe in the resurrection ...

  • What Does Anointing of the Sick Do?

    Episode 6

    There are five effects of the Anointing of the Sick. It unites us to Christ’s Passion, strengthens us to endure suffering, forgives our sins, restores our health if it’s conducive for our salvation, and prepares us to enter eternal life.

    The Anointing of the Sick unites us to Jesus Christ and hi...

  • How Do I Respond To a Loved Ones Terminal Diagnosis?

    Episode 7

    It’s important for us to acknowledge reality with our loved ones, and simply be present with them. Let them know they’re not alone.

    People don’t want to talk about death or dying. Fear of the unknown, anxiety, suffering... most people would rather avoid discussing the topic entirely, but neverth...

  • Why Shouldn't We Take Cremated Remains Home or Scatter the Ashes?

    Episode 8

    Catholics must keep remains intact, lay them to rest in a sacred space, and maintain full respect for the body.

    In the aftermath of loss, family members and friends are often left reeling, grasping for something to hold onto. This desire for stability or the chance to say goodbye is certainly un...

  • Why Should Cremation Be Done After A Funeral Mass, Not Before?

    Episode 9

    The Church celebrates a different funeral rite depending on whether the full body or cremated remains are present.

    If cremation is necessary, the Church prefers the celebration of the funeral Mass first, then the cremation. Disposition of the cremains takes place several days later.

    “If one wer...

  • How is Hospice Paid For?

    Episode 10

    Medicare, Medicaid, and many private insurance companies cover hospice.

    Patients and their families can contact their insurance provider to see what their particular coverage includes, such as the number of visits to the home by hospice nurses or the length of time allowed in a hospice facility....

  • What is the Catholic Approach of Palliative Care?

    Episode 11

    The main goal of palliative care is to relieve the pain and suffering of the patient. Its practices can be used alongside more traditional medical care. Provided that the treatments of palliative care respect the fundamental orientation of medicine towards the patient and does not encourage pract...

  • How Do I Grieve A Miscarriage?

    Episode 12

    Memorializing the loss of a baby can help parents grieve. Rituals like holding a ceremony, planting a tree, or gathering with friends to pray for the child’s soul can provide meaning and comfort.

    Pregnancy loss is incredibly difficult. It involves loss in the present and of a future—all the pote...

  • Can Catholics Donate Organs?

    Episode 13

    If donating a vital organ is going to cause death or irreversible harm to the donor, it is morally illicit according to the natural moral law and Catholic social teaching.

    According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, “organ transplants are in conformity with the moral law if the physical a...

  • Why do People Fear Death?

    Episode 14

    It’s natural and appropriate for us to fear death, but by his victory on the Cross, Christ leads us from fear into the way of hope.

    We naturally sense that death is a problem and understand intuitively that it’s not part of God’s original plan. We all possess a deep longing that corresponds to t...

  • How Do I Balance Caring For Someone Else And For Myself?

    Episode 15

    To care for another is a beautiful sacrifice, but it can also feel draining and exhausting. In order to care for others, we must first care for our own spiritual and physical needs so as to better serve those entrusted to us.

    Caring for a loved one often requires physical, emotional, and spiritu...

  • What is a Trust?

    Episode 16

    A trust is commonly used to avoid probate and achieve more complicated outcomes than a will can accomplish.

    When we establish a trust, we intend to give it ownership of our assets so that when we die, the trust lives on and probate is not triggered. To be successful, we must transfer our assets ...

  • What is Hospice?

    Episode 17

    Hospice care keeps a patient as comfortable as possible for the remainder of life after ceasing aggressive treatment.

    After a patient’s condition no longer improves, they may choose to discontinue curative treatment. Instead of frequent hospital visits, the focus becomes on managing pain and oth...

  • What Does the Priest Do at an Anointing?

    Episode 18

  • What is Hell?

    Episode 19

    Hell is eternal separation from God. Scripture and the saints describe hell as darkness, a lake of fire, unimaginable suffering, and torment with no end.

    God created us with freedom, asking us to choose or reject eternal life with him. God makes us free because love must be free. He must suffer ...

  • What is Heaven?

    Episode 20

    Heaven is perfect communion with perfect love. It is the entrance into the divine life of the Triune God, who is all truth, love, and beauty.

    Heaven is above and beyond the capacity of human words to describe. Our imagination cannot fathom heaven's glories and the joys God promises us if only we...

  • What is the Difference Between a Will and a Trust?

    Episode 21

    Both wills and trusts help us determine where we’d like assets to go when we die. Trusts can generally accomplish more complicated outcomes.

    Wills allow us to designate who manages our estate and who receives our assets. Similarly, trusts also clarify how we’d like our assets distributed after o...

  • Why Do I Need an Estate Plan?

    Episode 22

    There are medical and financial responsibilities we must plan to take care of in the event we become mentally or physically incapacitated, or after our death.

    If we pass away without a will, state laws govern how our estate is dispersed—this is called intestate probate. Without an estate plan, o...

  • Can Catholics Use Respirators or Ventilators?

    Episode 23

    As part of its mission to help Catholics understand, live, and share their faith, the Augustine Institute encourages individuals and families to think about and prepare for death.

  • Is It Ok To Mourn?

    Episode 24

    Absolutely. It’s okay to mourn the loss of a good thing. The sorrow we experience after losing someone dear to us shows how much we loved that person.

    It is acceptable and healthy for Christians to mourn when a loved one dies. Grief is a normal, very human reaction to loss, and it reminds us how...