ECHO with Bishop Donald Hying

ECHO with Bishop Donald Hying

4 Seasons

The ECHO series from Ahava Productions will be a 36 part video-based study of the United States Catholic Catechism of Adults (USCCA) presented by Bishop Donald Hying of Madison, Wisconsin. These short and engaging videos introduce each chapter of the USCCA and provide an inspiring start to personal or group study of our rich Catholic Faith.

View all four sessions in the drop-down menu below or access them here:

The Creed
The Sacraments: The Faith Celebrated
Christian Morality: The Faith Lived
Prayer: The Faith Prayed

Ahava productions is a nonprofit organization on a mission to create films that will reaffirm the depth and beauty of our Catholic Faith. Our goal is to inspire and educate with magnificent movies that will move your soul. Learn more at

ECHO with Bishop Donald Hying
  • Life in Christ—Part I

    Episode 1

    "I came that they might have life and have it abundantly." (John 10:10) These words of Jesus from the Gospel of John are a powerful summary of the Catholic moral vision. All that God proposes to us through Christ and the Church in the moral life is given to us not to be a burden or to take away o...

  • Life in Christ—Part II

    Episode 2

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This is the law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12) This teaching of Jesus is at the very heart of the Church's social teaching. The Church is the Mother and Teacher of all humanity, and she strives constantly to guide the entire human family towa...

  • The First Commandment: Believe in the True God

    Episode 3

    "I am the Lord your God, you shall not have any other gods before me." This is the first command that God gives to us, and it is the first and fundamental reality of our lives—God is God and I am not. This session will explore our relationship with God and our call to live lives of faith, hope, a...

  • The Second Commandment: Reverence God's Name

    Episode 4

    "Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain." The second commandment calls us act and live reverently, and to always respect the name of the Lord. This session will explore that there is more to this commandment than just using the Lord's name in vain—it is living lives of piety and with a health...

  • The Third Commandment: Love the Lord's Day

    Episode 5

    "Remember the Sabbath day—keep it holy. Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord, your God." The third commandment is a counter-cultural command: amid the daily pressures of life, we are to deliberately set apart the Lord's day as a day for rest an...

  • The Fourth Commandment: Strengthen Your Family

    Episode 6

    "Honor your father and your mother." With this commandment, the Lord revealed the importance and great dignity of family life. The family, which is an icon of the Trinity, is designed to be our first experience of love, and as the domestic Church, the family teaches us how to make a loving and jo...

  • The Fifth Commandment: Promote the Culture of Life

    Episode 7

    "You shall not kill." In the Incarnation, Christ assumed human nature and gave an incredible dignity to humanity. This incredible dignity must be defended in every stage and circumstance. Poverty, abortion, war, capital punishment, euthanasia, abuse, and any other degrading condition for the huma...

  • The Sixth Commandment: Marital Fidelity

    Episode 8

    "You shall not commit adultery." In post-modern society, many find that the Church's teachings on love, sexuality, and marriage are some of the most difficult aspects of the moral life to understand and live well. Much of modern culture is impacted by a spirit of selfishness and individualism; in...

  • The Seventh Commandment: Do Not Steal—Act Justly

    Episode 9

    "You shall not steal." By the Incarnation, Jesus Christ not only took on humanity, but impacted every sphere of human life with the Gospel. The goal of the Church's social teaching is to bring about a just society that honors the dignity of each person and ensures that human rights are protected ...

  • The Eighth Commandment: Tell the Truth

    Episode 10

    "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor." Living in the truth is an essential aspect of our human dignity. To our modern culture, truth has become malleable and relative, but in reality, we are made to hear and speak the truth in love. This session will explore the consoling and c...

  • The Ninth Commandment: Practice Purity of Heart

    Episode 11

    "You shall not covet your neighbor's wife." The Ninth Commandment teaches us to live with purity of heart. We live in a world that is deeply corrupted by lust and sin, where human persons are often used as objects to fulfill selfish desires. God presents us with a glorious alternative: purity of ...

  • The Tenth Commandment: Embrace Poverty of Spirit

    Episode 12

    "You shall not covet your neighbor's goods." The Tenth Commandment inspires us to reject jealously, selfishness, or greed in every form, and to love and give extravagantly. The generosity to which we are called is not simply the result of a disciplined detachment from material goods. In fact, gen...

  • Echo, Morality Study Guide

    3.95 MB