In a captivating one-man dramatization, Shakespearean actor Leonardo Defilippis vividly brings to life Saint Luke’s account of Jesus’ Passion, Death and Resurrection. Defilippis transforms himself into a multitude of characters: the treacherous Judas, the cynical Pharisees, and the repentant Saint Peter. Taken word-for-word from Saint Luke’s Gospel, this beautiful recording is a wonderful meditation for the Lent and Easter seasons. The Passion According to Saint Luke was performed before a live audience.
Since 1980, Saint Luke Productions has been inspiring audiences with dramas focused on the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith. To learn more about our mission and to explore our broad selection of live theater, film and audio productions, visit
Up Next in Audio Dramas
The Gospel According to John
“I honestly believe that nothing has theologically formed me more in all my 15 years of studies toward the priesthood than the Gospel of John, especially through Leonardo’s audio performance. I listened to the CD – a lot. After just a year, I basically had the whole thing memorized, and I still l...
Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz
Arrested by the Gestapo and sent to the infamous Auschwitz concentration camp, a priest comes forward to take the place of a fellow prisoner condemned to die in the starvation bunker. Saint Maximilian Kolbe’s riveting true story comes to life in this powerful one-man audio performance, adapted fr...
Tolton: From Slave to Priest
Meet America’s first Black Priest, Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, in this audio drama adapted from our live stage production. The drama opens with nine-year-old Augustus Tolton’s harrowing escape from slavery to freedom. In a leaky boat with bullets whizzing overhead, his mother courageously r...