Meet America’s first Black Priest, Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, in this audio drama adapted from our live stage production. The drama opens with nine-year-old Augustus Tolton’s harrowing escape from slavery to freedom. In a leaky boat with bullets whizzing overhead, his mother courageously rows the family across the Mississippi River. They settle in the town of Quincy, Illinois, where hardships and persecution continue to afflict them. Despite all this, Augustus perseveres in his deep desire to become a Catholic priest. Rejected by all U.S. seminaries, he is finally ordained in Rome. When he returns to America, he tirelessly serves people of all races, especially the former slaves who flock to Chicago.
Actor Jim Coleman’s powerful performance as Father Tolton is complemented by a wide cast of supporting characters. The remarkable story is enhanced with Tony Manfredonia’s moving musical score inspired by traditional African American spirituals.
Since 1980, Saint Luke Productions has been inspiring audiences with dramas focused on the beauty and richness of the Catholic faith. To learn more about our mission and to explore our broad selection of live theater, film and audio productions, visit
Up Next in Audio Dramas
Saint Francis: Troubadour of God's Peace
The son of a prosperous merchant in 12th century Italy, Francis enjoys a carefree life of drinking and carousing with his friends. Yet he is drawn to God, and one day, while he is praying in the church of San Damiano, the crucifix miraculously speaks to him.
“Francis,” Jesus says, “do you not ...
The Gift of Peace: The First Six Chap...
Capturing the infancy and early ministry of Jesus Christ, this unique one-man dramatization is taken verbatim from Scripture and adapted from the live stage production. Actor Leonardo Defilippis transforms himself into the aged and suspicious Zechariah, the trusting and humble young Mary, the cyn...