Catholics and Protestants believe different things about Mary's labor. These differences can lead to varying presentations of the birth of Jesus in popular movies and shows. Join Dr. Scott Hefelfinger and Dr. Michael Barber as they explain the Catholic Church's understanding of Mary's labor and the birth of Jesus Christ.
Watch the introductory episode of Catholic Commentary on The Chosen here:
*As of January 1, 2023, The Chosen Christmas Special (The Messengers) episode is no longer available on FORMED.
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Up Next in Week 3
Written on the Heart | Rooted | Episo...
Ever since Adam and Eve gave in to the serpent's temptation, division abounds: between the body and soul, humans and God, man and woman, and humans and the earth. The consequences of that first sin reveal to us the depth and reach of this division. But that's not the end of the story.
Did you mi...
Week Three | Adore: Advent with Fr. J...
Join Fr. John Burns as he journeys deeper into the theme for week three: nearness.
Third Week of Advent | Behold with Sr...
Let the Holy Family be your light through Advent as you receive the healing power of Christ.
In this beautiful guided video series, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, SOLT—author of the bestselling book Restore and co-host of the Abiding Together Podcast — walks with you as you explore familial wounds w...