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Sts. Perpetua & Felicity | Catholic Saints

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Saint Marcella of Rome | Catholic Saints

Catholic Saints • 17m

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  • Sts. Perpetua & Felicity | Catholic S...

    Dr. Elizabeth Klein and Taylor Kemp discuss the life and impact of two female martyrs from the third century, Sts. Perpetua and Felicity. Both were beheaded for refusing to renounce their Christian faith. Their feast day is March 7.

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    Join Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. Carl Vennerstrom as they discuss St. Leo the Great, who served as pope during the tumultuous time of the Council of Chalcedon. With the heart of a pastor, St. Leo modeled Christian charity amidst the debates and controversies on the divine and human nature of Jesus. He ...

  • St. Clement of Rome | Catholic Saints

    Sit down with Dr. Ben Akers and Dr. Carl Vennerstrom as they discuss Pope St. Clement of Rome, who was an early Church Father and the third successor to St. Peter. He wrote an original letter to the dissentient church of Corinth that we can still read and access today! His feast day is November 2...