How do we know today what Jesus really said and taught over 2000 years ago? Where do we go to truly know and understand all that God has revealed? In this chapter, we will be exploring how Jesus Christ himself established the Church as the "pillar and bulwark of the truth" (1 Timothy 3:15) and how we can come to really know what Jesus did and taught through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and the teaching authority of the Catholic Church. Through the gift of the Church and Divine Revelation, we can come to know with certainty and confidence what God has revealed about himself and the human person and how we are to live our lives as Christians even 2000 years after Christ walked on earth.
Read and Study: United States Catholic Catechism for Adults Chapter 3 (pgs. 21-33)
Up Next in The Creed
Bring about the Obedience of Faith
What is faith? For many faith is merely an intellectual assent to something that is believed to be true. However, faith is so much more—it is the full submission of both our intellect and will to God who personally reveals himself to us as he proposes to us his plan for our lives. Therefore, fait...
I Believe in God
The central mystery of the Christian faith is our belief in one God in Three Persons—the Blessed Trinity. This belief has major ramifications about what we believe about God, about his creation, and about ourselves as human persons created in the image and likeness of God.
Read and Study: Unit... -
Man and Woman in the Beginning
One of the most pressing questions of our time surrounds the meaning of life and the nature of the human person. Where did I come from? Why am I here? What is human happiness? What does it mean to love? The good news is that Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith provide the definitive answers to al...