Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained
Matrimony & Holy Orders: The Sacraments of Service & Communion
Episode 5
More than merely a contract between two people in love, marriage was created by God as part of his plan for humanity. How we fit within that plan may depend on our view of the Sacrament of Matrimony and its profound meaning for the world.
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Up Next in Symbolon Part 2: Living the Faith
A Catholic Moral Vision: Virtue, Grac...
How does following the moral vision as taught by the Church lead us to whole and happy lives, especially when the world around us seems to be in moral turmoil?
A Love that Lasts: Discovering Authen...
"There now seems to be a free-for-all idea of ""love""—personally decided and self-centered—that often leads to heartbreak and unhappiness. Is that what God intends when he is called ""Love"" by the writers of the New Testament? What does it mean when we talk about love—and God's calling for us t...
A Love that Lasts: God's Plan for Sex...
"Understanding God's truth about human sexuality can transform our lives. But are we ready to rebel against our culture's view to take sexual intimacy to its true level?
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