The readings today invite us to meditate on a simple truth of our faith—God is love, and he loves us. This sentiment might not seem that impressive. These are phrases that many of us have heard since Sunday school while we were coloring pictures of Moses holding the Ten Commandments. It probably seems obvious to us . . . but that's the danger.
This truth can seem so obvious that we begin to ignore it and even disregard it. As we grow up, we forget how desperately we want to be loved. We forget that God meets this desire and exceeds it! These words hold all of our desires within them. They are powerful, deep, rich, and we can never reach the end of meditating on this mystery. "God is love, and he loves us"—a bottomless well of overflowing living waters.
Up Next in Year B
Pentecost Sunday—May 20, 2018
Fire. It's intense, beautiful, dangerous, overwhelming, warm, and all consuming. Fire can be used to warm us on a cold night, or as a way to gather friends on a summer evening. It can also yield immense destruction. Fire is powerful. This is the image that we hear about today as we learn more abo...
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity—Ma...
Have you ever felt a tug to do something out of the ordinary? Maybe say something to someone you've never met before or call up an old friend to check in even though it's been years? This tug can make us feel uncomfortable, as we aren't sure why we have this feeling we need to act, but we feel al...
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and B...
Knowing what is about to come, Jesus shares a meal with his disciples. Sharing a meal with family or friends is an intimate and joyous occasion. Gathering around the table and sharing food together are often some of people's favorite memories they reflect on. Jesus wants to have this closeness wi...
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