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Opening the Word

15th Sunday of Ordinary Time—July 15, 2018

Episode 36 • 4m 14s

Up Next in Year B

  • 16th Sunday of Ordinary Time—July 22,...

    We are lost in the dense jungle of this world and are made for heaven. We all long to get there, but we encounter so many needs along the way. If we aren't careful, searching to fill those needs can replace our true compass. Instead of focusing on searching for home, we can be consumed by never b...

  • 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time—July 29,...

    When was the last time you experienced a situation that you thought, "there is no solution—it is impossible" Often we feel cornered by circumstances in life and that there is no possible way out. And yet, miraculously, things all end up working out, for our good. Today's Gospel highlights Jesus' ...

  • Transfiguration Sunday—August 5, 2018

    In the Gospel today, Jesus chides the Israelites for seeking only earthly fulfillment. He calls them, and likewise us, to open our hearts to our deeper desire for God. Ultimately, God wants to fill our deepest longings for his infinite love.